I’ve got a project in mind

I’ve got a project in mind and this is me putting it into action.

I need to start this blog. I’ve talked about it for so long but now that I’m here. I don’t really know how to start. I’ve never been much of a writer but life has a strange way of working things out right?

I don’t really know how to use WordPress but I am going to give it a try. Hopefully in a few years, I could look back at this entry and laugh. How amateur, how newb! Who knows what direction this blog will take? Who knows what you viewers will find that I do that interests you! But this blog is about me, Eugin (Eugene), the wife, Amy, and our two lovely cats Calvin and Hobbes. Don’t worry, you will get to meet all of us sooner or later.

In this blog, I hope to share my thoughts on current projects and exploits. Much of this will be for my own benefit but I do welcome visitors to contribute their thoughts. Hopefully you enjoy my future postings and maybe even learn a thing or two from my mistakes!

These are a few of the things I’ve been working on:

1)      Container Gardening

a)      Building container for gardening

i)        Thinking about using old pallets

b)      Building the soil organically

i)        Inspired by

(1)    running with mycelium by Stamets

(2)    Teeming With Microbes by

(3)    One Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka

c)       Vermicology

i)        Tiny worm composter for our container garden

ii)       Worm tower for our container tomato plants

2)      Amateur Mycology

i)        Currently working with King Oyster Spawn to inoculate pasteurized straw

3)      Bonsai

a)      Japanese maple (Coral Bark)

b)      Rhododendron / Azalea –satsuki ):

c)       Japanese Maple (bloodgood….it isn’t doing too well)

4)      Marketing

a)      I am the social Media Manager for Wholesale Warranties. I will frequently write about projects and plans. Be sure to check us out!

5)      General Thoughts

6)      Cat training/sanity

I pride myself in my researching ability and with many trials I have had great failures. But I have also had great success. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Thanks for swinging by 🙂

Pictures will be coming soon !

-listening to: Independence Day soundtrack 😀